How to Make a LEGO Heart

Here are clear instructions and pictures on how to make a LEGO heart. Your kids can make a large one to decorate the house, or mini LEGO hearts to give to friends for Valentine’s Day.

LEGO Heart Image

Building shapes and objects with LEGO blocks is a great STEM activity for Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. Your kids will need to tap into their creativity and engineering skills to make a heart out of the LEGO bricks you already have at home.

If you have been following Mombrite, you know that we love tackling LEGO STEM challenges! Building a LEGO heart is especially brain-stretching because you need to simulate a heart’s rounded edge with rectangular blocks with sharp corners.

In the instructions below, you will find two ways to make a LEGO heart. But remember, there is no one correct way. Your kids can use different LEGO blocks than we did and even build the LEGO heart in a different orientation. For example, we constructed an “I ❤️ MOM” sign out of LEGO and we placed the bricks on a flat baseplate. You can do the same with this LEGO heart challenge.

If your kids heart LEGO (you see what I did there? Yes, I know, so corny), then they will love this LEGO Valentine’s Day activity!

Large LEGO Heart Instructions

First, gather all the LEGO blocks you have. If possible, sort the blocks by color so you can see if there are enough red ones to make a red LEGO heart. I let my preschooler complete this step to teach her about categorizing by color.

Of course, your kids can use whatever they like for their LEGO hearts. Multi-colored hearts are awesome too!

LEGO Heart

The LEGO heart is the easiest to build from the bottom up because the top has a gap in the middle.

Start with a 2×2 brick and add a 2×4 brick on top. Then continue to add LEGO bricks (the sizes will depend on what you in your LEGO collection) to build additional layers. On both the left and right edges, the layer above should always have one space hanging over to round out the edges.

We made our 6, 7, and 8th layer the same width, but you don’t have to. Play around with how wide you want your heart to be. Remember, there are no wrong answers, and you can always take off LEGO bricks and adjust if necessary. We definitely took off blocks and add more here and there several times before we achieved the heart shape we wanted.

For the top of the LEGO heart, leave a gap in between the two protrusions. For each side, stack a 2×2 block on top of a 2×4 block (you can see we used a 2×3 and a 2×1 since we ran out of 2×4 blocks).

And if your kids want to display their LEGO heart proudly, simply stick it on top of a baseplate!

Standing LEGO Heart

Mini LEGO Heart Instructions

I love these mini LEGO hearts because you can use them for Valentine’s Day favors. Simply make one for each friend, place them in a small bag, and attach them to a Valentine’s Day card. Especially if you have lots of random LEGO bricks at home, this is a great way to make a non-candy Valentine’s Day treat without spending additional money.

Start with two 2×2 bricks and two 2×4 bricks.

Mini LEGO Heart Blocks

Snap the two 2×4 bricks together as shown.

Mini LEGO Heart Blocks 2 Bricks

Add one of the 2×2 LEGO bricks on the bottom of the top 2×4 brick.

Mini LEGO Heart Blocks 3 Bricks

To finish off the mini LEGO heart, add the remaining 2×2 LEGO block on the bottom 2×4 block.

They are so easy to make that you can make a whole bunch mini LEGO hearts in no time!

Mini LEGO Hearts

If your kids enjoyed tackling the challenge of building a LEGO heart, then they will love finishing off the winter with winter LEGO challenge cards! They are free to download and you can cut them out and place them in a small container. Your kids can take a card whenever they are up for letting their imagination and creativity run free!

I also have a 30 Day LEGO STEM Challenge Calendar for you. On top of building objects like a LEGO rainbow, kids are also asked to create things that are interactive. Our favorite is the balloon-powered LEGO car, where you can make your LEGO cards shoot across the room using the force of the air coming out of a balloon!

Enjoy building LEGO hearts with your kids and make this Valentine’s Day a creative one!

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